Group Segmented Arps

Group Segmented Arps is a parameteric type curve forecaster. It allows to build a type curve on a subset of wells taking into account a given decline function. In this case, the type curve must respect an Arps Segmented Decline. This forecaster is useful for wells with few production data point.

Building the Group Segmented Arps type curve is done in two steps:

  • Building a type curve respecting Arps Segmented Decline function in a specified well subset.

In the example below, we can see that the enriched data (blue ) are used to build the type curve (red). The type curve is build on Potential vs Cum_active_days

Type curve fit with a terminal decline of 10%
  • Rescaling the type curve to the available potential data, if available.

In the example below, the yellow curve has been shifted to honor the three potential data points available before blind test start-up ( around 180 active_days). This is done by recalculating a new Qi (parameter of Arps Segmented Decline function) using the average of valid historical potential data points.

Effect of type curve rescaling

Group Segmented Arps must be combined with an Arps Segmented Decline forecaster. It is available only for gas.