Assisted Machine learning analysis

The goal of this notebook is to create models to understand the influence of static variables on a dynamic variable. In this example we are going to predict the UER, but any other dynamic variable can be predicted.

If you want more explanations, you can find in the documentation a part dedicated to explain the different concepts.


import frflib
import sklearn
from frflib.utils.ml_analysis.optimizer import MLDataset

from frflib.utils.ml_analysis.processing import (
from frflib.utils.ml_analysis.analysis import (
from frflib.utils.ml_analysis.simulation import (
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from frflib.data_class.input_data import InputData
from frflib.forecast_methods import forecast_wf
from frflib.plots.plotly_ import plot_scatter
import as px

ForecastWF = forecast_wf.ForecastWF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import as px
import os
import inspect
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error
/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/category_encoders/ FutureWarning: Default parameter min_samples_leaf will change in version 2.6.See
  warnings.warn("Default parameter min_samples_leaf will change in version 2.6."
/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/category_encoders/ FutureWarning: Default parameter smoothing will change in version 2.6.See
  warnings.warn("Default parameter smoothing will change in version 2.6."

Load data

PATH_FRFLIB = os.path.dirname(inspect.getsourcefile(frflib))
PATH_TO_DATA = os.path.join(PATH_FRFLIB, "sample_data")

project_id = "01"
wf_name = "dataset_01_simple_wf"

WF_PATH = os.path.join(PATH_TO_DATA, f"{wf_name}.hdf")
DATA_PATH = os.path.join(PATH_TO_DATA, f"dataset_{project_id}.hdf")
field_data = InputData.load_hdf(DATA_PATH)
df_st = field_data.df_static
wf = ForecastWF.load_from_hdf(WF_PATH, field_data)

df_static = field_data.df_static
production_name wellbore reservoir sub_group ptr_main_layer_total ptr_main _layer ptr_secondary_layer cluster avg_poro_vv avg_vcl_vv ... z_bh_tvdss_m.1 top_res_sstvd_m top perfo tvd_ss_ft z_wh_tvdss_m.1 sensor_depth_tvdss init_res_pr_bar init_depletion_pr_bar start_up_date year_start first_prod_days
well_0 WA12 WA12 Deltaic B B22 B2 None WA 0.54 0.39 ... 1077.26 1036.50 1063.72 497.48 962.016 519.86 4.04 2006-12-01 2006 2191
well_1 JD28 JD28 Fluvial D D2 D2 None JD 0.77 0.23 ... 1115.73 1003.26 1087.60 332.30 982.500 550.00 1.01 2014-05-01 2014 4899
well_10 SA29 SA29_st1 Fluvial D D3 D1 D2 SA 0.64 0.39 ... 1295.13 1231.86 1308.72 626.28 1209.727 592.00 4.63 2011-08-01 2011 3895
well_100 RA08 RA08 Fluvial D D3 D3 None RA 0.82 0.26 ... 1511.14 1507.18 1444.31 556.99 1329.310 680.00 6.41 2009-03-01 2009 3012
well_101 JB32 JB32_st1 Fluvial D D2 D1 None JB 0.70 0.32 ... 1171.23 1105.51 NaN 375.00 NaN 490.00 8.07 2017-01-01 2017 5875
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
well_93 YC13 YC13 Deltaic B B22 B2 None YC 0.68 0.30 ... 1166.93 1093.93 1131.87 505.13 1021.972 540.00 4.29 2010-09-01 2010 3561
well_94 VD17 VD17 Deltaic B B22 B2 None VD 0.64 0.40 ... 1121.12 1049.24 1101.96 511.04 1039.875 570.00 0.94 2003-03-01 2003 820
well_95 YA18 YA18_st2 Fluvial E E1 E1 None YA 0.51 0.41 ... 1452.83 1463.29 1480.16 479.44 1352.500 670.00 5.85 2007-08-01 2007 2434
well_97 P136 P136 Fluvial D D3 D3 None P1 0.74 0.30 ... 1301.07 1309.64 1329.15 561.55 1249.500 657.00 2.37 2013-08-01 2013 4626
well_99 P302 P302_st1 Fluvial D D3 D3 None P3 0.73 0.22 ... 1320.42 1311.99 1334.13 535.87 1246.300 610.00 5.68 2016-08-01 2016 5722

176 rows × 38 columns

I. Create Model

The first part is to create a model. We are going to choose a model, create a pipeline with some transformations and then train it.


The goal is to predict a dynamic variable. You can select here the variable to predict and the models to use. You can add multiple models, but it will take more time. The available models are - gradientBoosting - RandomForest - Lasso - Ridge DATASETS = [“train”, “validation”]

def create_df_result(best_model_dict): model_df = pd.DataFrame() for data_set in DATASETS: data = { key: values for key, values in best_model_dict[data_set].items() if type(values) == list } temp = pd.DataFrame(data=data).set_index(“wellname”) temp[“dataset”] = data_set model_df = pd.concat([model_df, temp], axis=0) return model_df

target = "oil_cum_mmbbl"
models = ["GradientBoosting", "Lasso", "RandomForest"]
metric = "neg_mean_squared_error"
availables_metrics = sorted(sklearn.metrics.SCORERS.keys())
assert (
    metric in availables_metrics
), f"metrics not in sklearn metrics please use one of {availables_metrics}"
df_predict = field_data.df_dynamic.groupby("wellname").max()
df = pd.concat([df_predict[target], df_static], axis=1)


In this part we drop the wells that didn’t start to produce.

df = df.loc[df[target].notnull(), :]


We have implemented some transformers for basic preprocessing. By default we use the targetEncoder for categorical variable and minmax for numerical data.

All transformers available Categorical - targetEncoder : Replace the categories of categorical columns by the mean of the target - OneHotEncoder

Numerical - XYscaler : scaler to be used with geographical column (x,y) - StandardScaler - minmax : rescale the data between 0 and 1 - unchanged : apply no rescaling on the data

Below you have access to the default a list with each column the default transformer we apply.

If you want to modify the preprocessing, you can follow the below example. You can do 2 things: - don’t keep the column (see example on wellbore below) - Choose another transformer for a column (see example on reservoir)

static_col = make_static_list(df.drop([target], axis=1))

col_drop = [
    "top perfo tvd_ss_ft",
    "ptr_main _layer",
    "ptr_main _layer",
    # "avg_vcl_vv",
    # "avg_ntg_vv",
    # "sub_group",
    # "start_up_date",
    # "cluster",
    # "x_bh_m",
    # "y_bh_m"
for col in static_col:
    if col["Name"] == "x_bh_m" or col["Name"] == "y_bh_m":
        col["Transform"] = XYSCALER
    if col["Name"] == "reservoir":
        col["Transform"] = ONE_HOT_ENCODER
    if col["Name"] == "top_res_sstvd_m":
        col["Transform"] = MINMAX
    # To choose to delete column from training
    if col["Name"] in col_drop:
        col["Keep"] = False

print("Use in model")
set(df.columns) - set(col_drop)
Use in model


We then create a sklearndf pipeline with the preprocessing options and the selected models.

dict_preprocessing = make_dict_preprocessing(static_col)
preprocessor = make_pipeline(dict_preprocessing)
{'numerical': {'minmax': ['avg_poro_vv',
  'normalize_standard': [],
  'XYscaler': ['x_bh_m', 'y_bh_m'],
  'unchanged': []},
 'categorical': {'OneHotEncoder': ['reservoir'],
  'targetEncoder': ['wellbore', 'sub_group', 'cluster']},
 'date_time': {'date_time_encoder': ['start_up_date']}}

Fits models

Once the preprocessing is done you can launch the training of the models.

# fit on models
# metrics available
# sorted(sklearn.metrics.SCORERS.keys())
# columns = [x["Name"] for x in static_col if x["Keep"] == True]
df_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.3, random_state=35)

data = MLDataset(
    df_train.drop([target], axis=1),
    df_test.drop([target], axis=1),
best_model_name, grid, pipe_processor, optimisation_per_model = find_best_model_param(
data_out, model = fit_model(best_model_name, grid, data, pipe_processor)
model_summary = build_model_summary(data_out)
    {"optimization_metric": metric, "model": best_model_name, "params": grid}
(dict_dependence_plot, dict_summuray_plot, shap_values, df_shap) = model_analysis(
    data_out, model, best_model_name
Default parameter min_samples_leaf will change in version 2.6.See
Default parameter smoothing will change in version 2.6.See
Unlike other reduction functions (e.g. `skew`, `kurtosis`), the default behavior of `mode` typically preserves the axis it acts along. In SciPy 1.11.0, this behavior will change: the default value of `keepdims` will become False, the `axis` over which the statistic is taken will be eliminated, and the value None will no longer be accepted. Set `keepdims` to True or False to avoid this warning.
Default parameter min_samples_leaf will change in version 2.6.See
Default parameter smoothing will change in version 2.6.See
Unlike other reduction functions (e.g. `skew`, `kurtosis`), the default behavior of `mode` typically preserves the axis it acts along. In SciPy 1.11.0, this behavior will change: the default value of `keepdims` will become False, the `axis` over which the statistic is taken will be eliminated, and the value None will no longer be accepted. Set `keepdims` to True or False to avoid this warning.
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
for model_name in models:
    score_list = optimisation_per_model[model_name]
    score = [x[0] for x in score_list]
    penalisation = [x[1] for x in score_list]
    plt.plot(score, label=f"score {model_name}")
    if np.sum(penalisation) > 0:
        plt.plot(penalisation, label=f"penalisation {model_name}")
plt.title(f"Optimizer min score = {min(score):.1f} metric : {metric}")

II. Model Analysis


Once the preprocessing is done you can launch the training of the models and then visualise the result of the best model. A good indicator is the r2 square. - r2 > 0.6 : really good r2, you have a strong model - 0.6 > r2 > 0.4 : Acceptable r2 - r2 < 0.4 : Low r2, the model is not accurate enough print(f”Best model {model_summary[‘model’]} :nbsphinx-math:`nParams `= {model_summary[‘params’]}”) df_result = create_df_result(model_summary)

metric_func = {“r2”: r2_score, “mae”: mean_absolute_error, “rmse”: mean_squared_error} result_score = {“train”: {}, “validation”: {}}

for dataset in result_score.keys(): original, pred = ( df_result[df_result.dataset == dataset].target, df_result[df_result.dataset == dataset].predict, ) print(f”{dataset}”) for key, func in metric_func.items(): if key == “rmse”: score = func(original, pred, squared=False) else: score = func(original, pred) result_score[dataset].update({key: score}) print(f”\t{key} = {score:.2f}”)

fig_model = plot_scatter( df_result, “target”, “predict”, color=”dataset”, hover_name=”wellname”, same_scale=True, x_range=[0, 70], y_range=[0, 70], title=”Model with all wells”, idendity=True, )

# inspection
) = model_analysis(data_out, model, model_name)

Model analysis

Now that we have a model, we are going to make some analysis to understand the influcence of the static variables on the target.

Summuray Plot

This plot gives a summary of the influence and the correlation between the variables and the target. The x-axis is the mean absolute impact on all the wells in term of the target. The variables are sorted according to their impact, and the colour is the correlation (positive or negative with the target).

def make_summary_fig(dict_summuray_plot, number_features_plot):
    summuray = pd.DataFrame(data=dict_summuray_plot["data"])
    summuray = summuray[:number_features_plot][::-1]

    fig =
        title=f"Impact on {target}",
        range_color=(-1, 1),
    return fig

number_features_plot = 30
fig = make_summary_fig(dict_summuray_plot, number_features_plot=15)
# This plot shows the impact of a variable on the target. Compare to the first plot, we can explore each variable at a time. On the x-axis you have the values of the selected variable (which is normalised between [0,1]). On the y-axis you have the impact of the feature. This plot allows us to understand the relationship between the target and variable (linear, monotonic etc…).
df_impact = pd.DataFrame(dict_dependence_plots["data"]).set_index("wellname")
# df_impact = pd.concat([df_impact, df], axis=1)

variable = [x[7:] for x in df_impact.columns if x[:6] == "impact"]
for var in variable[0:2]:
    if f"{var}" in df_impact.columns:
        f = px.scatter(df_impact, var, f"impact_{var}")