FRF Web App

FRF web app is the result of the internal developments on forecast algorithms. After the proof of concept that has been started with FRF lib and used to validated various fields with important number of wells and long history, the idea to allow its usage to a larger audience has led to the development of the web app.

The web app share most of its features with FRF library, which is used by the team as tool to test new methodologies before put them available for a larger audience. Additionally, the web app allows an advanced analysis and QC like clustering and curve types. Also the web app has many features to compare forecast and can link the forecast results and any available static data. Finally, the web app, have some feature that allows to manually adjust the wells to fit better the vision of the engineers.

Therefore without further ado, let start your first project!

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For an overview of the workflow, please consult the following link

Project Creation

Project creation and data loading should be very straightforward. the minimum data needed is some general information on the fields and two csv files (static or a master file and dynamic (monthly data)). The whole operation should not exceed few minutes for creating a project or relaoding the data.

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Data Loading

First there is the loading of the static data, which is a csv file with one line header. The link to Tmore database is on going. and will be soon provided.

Select Static File

You can download a static template as example:

Static data template

FRF will try to link the static data to existing or previouly data in order to simplify the loading process. Therefore, the FRF corresponding name and units needs to be provided.

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If there is no correspondence with existing variables. FRF allows you to add it the existing database. You need to provide some additional information which will simplify the future loading

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The same operation will be done with the dynamic data. The dynamic data needs to be monthly data with oil / water / gas rates and active production days per month. Any additional data can be added, however cumulatives and ratios (ex.: bsw and gor) will be computed based on the rates and there is no need to provide them.

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You can consult a dynamic data template in the following link: Dynamic data template

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Finally there is a health check that will be performed on the data. The feedback on the data quality will be provided. If everything is ok, you are set

Your first workflow

You are ready to go. you are ready to perform your first workflow. please follow these link to get the most of FRF web app: